European dimension


  1. Improving energy policy coordination between EU Member States to address common challenges and take advantage of opportunities in the single energy market;
  2. Establish an information and exchange network between EU Member States to identify real-time vulnerabilities and common energy risks;
  3. Intensify collaboration with neighboring EU countries to diversify energy sources and reduce dependence on single external suppliers;
  4. Promoting investment in innovative energy technologies to reduce carbon emissions and support the transition to a sustainable Energy Union;
  5. Improving energy transport infrastructure between Member States to allow a more efficient and secure flow of resources;
  6. Establishment of a European Energy Security Fund to support critical infrastructure projects and address acute energy crises;
  7. Development of common energy storage capacities to meet energy requirements during peak periods and crisis situations;
  8. Extending research at EU level in the field of emerging energy technologies, with a special focus on energy storage solutions;
  9. Strengthen the strategic dialogue with the main energy-producing countries, in order to ensure stable and predictable supply flows for EU Member States;
  10. Promoting a culture of energy efficiency among EU citizens and industry, through information campaigns and by supporting consumer efficiency initiatives.
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